Using Scroogle as Your Default Search on Opera 11

A simple step you can take to protect your privacy is to use scrapers like the Scroogle, the Google Scraper.  With this search tool, you are able to search the Google database without divulging your search patterns to them; protecting your privacy, so your personal information is not sold to Google’s customers.

By default Scroogle is not available in the list of search engines on Opera or most browsers for that matter; so you must take one simple step to add and enable it under your Opera preferences.  After you’ve enabled Scroogle, if you’ve selected it as your default search, you can simply type the search term in the address box.

As you can see, I typed friendika into the address bar and Opera offers to search for Friendika via Scroogle.  Of course, you can also type the term in the window on the right-hand side of the address bar.

This is just one simple thing you can do to significantly improve your privacy.

3 responses to “Using Scroogle as Your Default Search on Opera 11”

  1. For adding new search engines Opera offers a context menu entry. Just right click on any “Search Box” like form and then “Create search”. I have dozens of “Search Engines” with an associated shortkey for things like URLshortener, translation of a word of the current webpage and classical search engines for various programming language references–and search engines as well. I like ixquick and duckduckgo (both .com) which don’t track you (as they say) and give good results, sometimes even better results then G.

  2. Thanks for the info Tobias. I’m looking forward to checking out some of these new search engines that you’ve mentioned.

    Ever since I started tinkering around on the Friendika project, it has really put the idea of owning and controlling your content and protecting privacy, into the forefront.

    My goal is to eventually be mostly free of attachments to services like Google, Facebook, etc.

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