Tag: Java

  • Explicitly Setting log4j Configuration File Location

    I ran into an issue recently, where an existing log4j.xml configuration file was built into a jar file I was referencing and I was unable to get Java to recognize another file that I wanted it to use instead.  Fortunately, the solution to this problem is fairly straightforward and simple. I was running a standalone…

  • Fixing Performance Problems on Your JBoss Web Apps By Diagnosing Blocked Thread Issues

    I was once perplexed by a bizarre performance issue, I encountered at seemingly random intervals, in an application I help to maintain. The application kept freezing up, without any log messages to use for diagnosis. This was very frustrating, because it meant the application server typically had to be restarted manually to restore service. After…

  • Streaming Data as Downloadable Files in Struts Servlet

    One way to stream data to the client, is to use the PrintWriter, a library which allows you to directly manipulate the output stream which is sent to the client. One of the benefits of streaming the output to the client with PrintWriter, is the ability to send data as it is generated; instead of…